Week 4 overview

This week? Yea, this week sucked. With each of the sprints this week, Makersquare threw us into a pit of fire, with no directions on how to get out. Each day I left the bookcamp feeling more clueless than the previous day. I'm going to need to go back and review backbone, node, and server side during the solo week. I hereby dub week 4 as the "hell week," and I look forward to seeing the upcoming juniors struggle on their's.

On a positive note, time seemed to have fast forwarded itself. The week went by in an instant, and my body has fully adapted to the MKS life schedule and 6 hours of sleep a day.

This week also marks the time when I picked back up an old hobby: Starcraft. If you haven't already noticed, I'm a huge gamer, and Starcraft: Brood War was the first game that I played competitively. For those who don't know, Starcraft is a real-time-strategy game that involves futuristic war between three of the most dominant races, Protoss (peace-seeking aliens), Zerg (the nasty monsters), and the Terran (the technological humans).

A Korean that plays Starcraft?? Nope, never heard of it.

I started playing again because I realized how good of a job Blizzard is doing to improve Starcraft 2's gameplay in the newest expansion, Legacy of the Void. The game has gotten a lot faster, more skill based, and more potential for hype. The expansion's predecessors, Wings of Liberty and the Heart of the Swarm, had a game design that encouraged players to turtle up in their bases, reach the max number of units, and in the end just hope your big army ball wins over the opponent's. This provided for a metagame that was stale and boring, and I quit Starcraft for good before the second expansion came out.

Legacy of the Void. It's amazing! Constant action, a lot of possibilities for micro, and the massive UI updates are what brought me back to my old habits. Feels like college all over again

#Saturday Report:

After a stressful week such as this one, I had to be inebriated. A few cohortmates took me to an American bar/club, where I awkwardly walked around without initiating talks with the females... I've been out of the game for a long time.

The music was loud, people were doing slutty things, and it just wasn't my scene. I thought... "I could be playing Starcraft right now." I took a Lyft back home and did just that.

Please help. I definitely need some advice on the science of interacting with women.

Saturday's Toy Problem:

Binary Search Array

Given a sorted array of integers, find the index of a target value using a binary search algorithm
Do NOT use Array.prototype.indexOf in your solution. What would be the fun in that?


array (required) - an array.

target (required) - an integer value..

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