W1D2: Ice Climbers

Oh great
Ice breakers

The point of the game was to each go around in a circle and say 3 things about your life. 2 have to be truths and 1 has to be a lie.


I started thinking of the most messed up thing that happened in my life. Flashes of memories passed through my mind, and I made sure to carefully weigh out the level of messed-upness vs the amount of face I would lose before stating my three thingies.

It's funny how we need to keep certain parts of our lives a secret, huh?

What we did today:
1. Continue rewriting underbar

2. Self-guided lessons on closures and the keyword "this"

What is "this"? Apparently the keyword works very differently in JS and is one of the most complicated concepts to understand.

If I were to console.log(this) in the global scope, the "this" would refer to the window object

If I we were to go in a different scope and call "this" in it, "this" would refer to the object that it was called in. For example:

function User(handle) { this.handle = handle;}var andrew = new User("@AndrewWK");// andrew === {handle: "AndrewWK"}
Source: https://quickleft.com/blog/mastering-this-in-javascript/

3. Lecture on useful keyboard shortcuts
useless to me because the standard here is a mac..... BLASPHEMY

4. Presentation on how to succeed as a programmer by the managing director

5. Townhall
Makersquare's explanation of town halls:

Town Halls

Part of the MakerSquare curriculum are self-guided lessons followed-up by related Town Hall lectures. Town Halls are question-and-answer sessions that allow instructors to focus on helping students with content that was particularly challenging or other questions related to the module content that still linger.
6. Shepherd Boding Night (Ice breakers)
The Shepherd's role is to act as the go-to mentor for a specific cohort. Our shepherd's name is Avi, and he has purple hair.


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