W3D4: High fives all around x 999

Yesterday was spent getting zip done. None of our spec tests passed, and we deemed it unnecessary to push anything into our repos. Utter trash. Me and Jeff got lost in the sea of files upon files upon files upon files upon files. They were all supposed to talk to each other in some way or the other, but we were to do this without any hints. As my memory is terribad, I quickly realized that this is not the sprint for me. There were so many files to keep track of. Me and Jeff -- we drowned together.

Fast forward a stressful night and heavy traffic. The solutions video was released early in the morning. We watched the video lecture but it made sense only as we watched it.. and this became very clear when we sat down in front of our monitors.


We were doing a LOT better than yesterday, but things still looked bleak. We were saved, however, as the Korean Jesus Daniel himself showed us around the ropes of backbone. Using the Socratic method was a very good choice here. He nailed the information into our brains as he helped us finish our sprint.

What a G

To reinforce our learning on backbone, me and four cohortmates formed a quintruple group and started the sprint over. Daniel and Daniel were the main driver/navigator while me, Jeff and Mark piped in whenever we could.

20 minutes baby. We finished in 20 minutes.

I haven't high fived that many times in a day before. That was a lot of high-fives

But 80% of the credit goes to the two Daniels. I tried to follow along and catch any crucial mistakes they might be making. I caught a few! and I'm glad that helped

Hell with those bugs

What we did today:
1. TRICKY Toy Problem:
Largest Product of Three
Write a function that accepts an array of integers and returns the largest product possible from three of those numbers.
This one is tricky
Me and a lot of the cohortmates made the mistake of discounting the possibility that a number in the array could be negative.

Cohortmates' typical reactions:
Stage 1 - omg so EZ
Stage 2 - why error?
Stage 3 - -despair-

Some mathematical thinking is involved. Sorting is also a big thing here

2. Pair programming on backbone BLOODY HELL

3. Townhall


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