Week 2 overview

What a week.

I'm starting to get used to the life that is Makersquare. Everything's becoming more streamlined -- my body is starting to adapt to the rigorous MKS schedule. My mind has fully switched gears to thinking in code. Talking in code is an everyday occurance now and jokes related to coding come out of my mouth without me even realizing it. It's slowly sinking in that coding is a part of my life now.                                                                                                                                      
Another thing slowly sinking into me is this feeling of undeservingness, the feeling that my cohortmates are smarter, cooler, and better than me. Looking around I see so much talent, so many likable personalities and I start doubting myself -- will I be able to make it? There must be so many other people in the world that could take my place -- do I deserve to be here? Four of my cohortmates that are around my age are married -- and I'm just sitting here on a Sunday playing vidyagaemz. As imposter syndrome slowly starts to grip me, and I need to constantly check and remind myself that I am here because I'm passionate about this. It's not about if I deserve it or not, it's about working hard to earn it.

My Sundays are now spent snuggled up in bed the whole day, trying to recover from the bar the previous night and the week leading up to that Sunday. I gently caress my introvertedness, telling it it's okay -- I totally understand why being away from people gives me the security and energy to keep at it the next day. I tell it -- don't strain yourself -- I need you to keep up for the next 11 weeks.


//I've decided not to make a separate post for Saturdays but rather put a few lines in my Friday post if anything interesting happens on Saturday.

I woke up at 7:30 and was freaking out because I was going to be late. I parked my car at 8:20 and hurried to the ROC only to remember on the way that class starts at 9:00 instead of 8:00. Where is my mind?

Saturday's Toy Problem:

Common Characters

Write a function that accepts two strings as arguments, and returns only the characters that are common to both strings.
Your function should return the common characters in the same order that they appear in the first argument. Do not return duplicate characters and ignore whitespace in your returned string.
Example: commonCharacters('acexivou', 'aegihobu')
Returns: 'aeiou'

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